GAS 93
Toledo, Ohio

Rev. ... 2003-07-24



The first Glass Art Society Conference that I attended was in Toledo, Ohio. This is the location of the start of the modern Art Glass movement in 1963, according to the people participating. Most of the meetings were held in the Toledo Museum of Art although events were held in Detroit and many other museums and studio. I attended a workshop before hand at Bowling Green State University.

Lino Tagliapeitra working at the Toledo Museum hot shopThe experience of watching Lino and others work extended the astonishment I felt during the workshop as I began to realize the choices available in various ways of working glass. The seating was rationed at the Lino demos, but the competition was not at the levels I saw at Penland (which was crowded but had few limits) and Tucson (where some comments were rude as far as ticket distribution was concerned.)


Bowling Green State U hot wallThe workshops at Bowling Green State University involved the B-Team, which started as a group of young people willing to travel rough and work glass at various universities to expose students to other styles of glass work than their instructor used. After a couple of years, the B-Team became a permanent operation that did happenings rather than an evolving group of rising young stars.

The newly constructed hot wall is powerfully ventilated as is obvious, but was flawed by putting air in from a big open door, which chilled me in passing on cold spring mornings.

[From HGB 13] Team members this year are Zesty Meyers, a Pilchuck staff member and a student at Massachusetts College of Art who does multi-media installation pieces; Thor Bueno who paints on blown glass pieces in San Diego; Deborah Czeresko has a masters from Tulane and works in New York and blows both large and small scale pieces of fine proportion and interesting distortion; Clay Logan is the student member, from Palomar College, CA, who makes a good goblet and quickly hot works small sculptures of horses and skulls. Marina Marioni is photographer, PR rep, and occasional glass handler. Matthew Leet does videotaping for documentation and acts as tour manager.

The workshop was very insightful as these people worked large glass very gently, while I had previously been exposed to people who worked the glass fairly hard.